
Last week we moved our daughter into her college dorm in Georgia. Megan and I loaded up her car and drove for four days almost all the way across the country to her new home. We walked the campus the day before move-in day to help her see where her classes would be. We went out to eat and enjoyed hanging out with her. Move-in day was hectic but went smoothly and for a couple of days after, we hung around in case she needed anything. She has recovered from her initial homesickness and anxiety and is now attending her first classes while we are far away in California.

As I scanned social media after we arrived home and saw pictures of other families saying goodbye to their kids at college again or for the first time, or sharing pictures of the first day of whatever grade their children are in, a familiar phrase was also shared many times.

Time is a thief.

I would stare at that phrase because I realized I didn’t agree with it anymore. I used to feel that way as the years passed by quickly and my girls grew and changed. I missed holding them as babies and all the sweet hugs from those little arms and kisses from those precious faces. I wanted time to slow down many times and I remember being sad when yet another milestone was reached, erasing a cute habit or word that didn’t exist. But as I stared at that phrase I knew that my thinking had changed since we lost Madison. Time isn’t a thief, it’s a blessing.

Watching Megan have the chance to experience college and figure out who she wants to be is something her dad and I are fortunate to witness. Being able to see how she navigates this new normal and learns things about herself is something I’m so thankful for. Madison is forever frozen in time at fifteen years old. We’ll never get to see how she grows and changes or watch her find something to do with her life while enjoying her as a part of our family. All we have are memories and a limited number of videos and pictures to repeatedly scroll through. I wish we’d had more time.

I’m excited for Megan and I hope and pray that we’re all blessed with a lot more time with each other.

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