Humble Yourself

I definitely have regrets as a parent. I’ve lost my temper, denied them opportunities or experiences out of selfishness, and realized they needed more attention than I was giving them. One thing I’m proud of is how fast I apologized to them for my behavior. I was always quick to go to them, get on their level, look them in the eyes and tell them how sorry I was and why. Madison was so quick to forgive in those very precious moments too. I would take her squishy cheeks in my hands, tell her how sorry I was, and kiss her all over her face while running my fingers through her hair. She would say, “That’s ok” even though it wasn’t, and I would always try to do something to make her laugh. Humble yourself to your children. That’s one area of my parenting that gives me peace. I don’t look back wishing I had apologized to Madison for a moment of weakness or pride. I wanted them both to see that I’m not perfect and we all make mistakes. It doesn’t take away your authority, it teaches them that even mommy and daddy need God’s mercy and grace, and sometimes that means asking forgiveness from our children.

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