He Is Risen

I like Him too honey💜

I came across this memory while taking screenshots of my Facebook history that involved Madison. Now, I’ll probably share it every Easter. It makes me think of Jesus when He called all the children to Him. When He was tortured and carried His own cross to Calvary. I see Him looking at Madison with so much love as He took all that pain and hate onto Himself so she could run into His arms the day she died. This memory shows me that He was talking to her that day in His way, in a way she would understand. He spoke to her heart. While I know that she couldn’t have understood the complexities of faith at eight years old, there was something she saw at the church and in this little conversation that spoke to her. She understood, in the simplest and most beautiful way, that she was loved by her Savior. We should all have that childlike faith. A faith that calls us to walk with Him, talk with Him, and like Him with the unconditional love and trust of a child.

He is Risen!

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